May 122009

This was the best week of my life!

I discovered that there are other stuffed animals out there, just like me, (and pets!) who make videos, sing, dance, model and do all kinds of creative things!!
I never imaged that there would be a whole creative universe of other fuzzy critters out there in a well formed community!
It has been absolutely wonderful to have met all the teddy bears, bears, dogs, cats, plushies, stuffed animals and other anipals on Twitter!

Thanks for welcoming me in to your crowd! Love you guys!

And inspired by a very talented monkey, Shoshige Chimp’s video “a daye in da lyfe”, I have created an instructional Yoga video for stuffed animals who may want to practice the sun salutation in yoga.
Just be careful guys! It’s only for entertainment purposes.. I don’t want to hear of anyone twisting a paw or anything!!

– Zackary =:X