Mar 312009

With our recent climbing video posted and a short but sweet holiday (baking carrot cake – and eating it, of course!), the Stuffed Rabbits at A Little Somebunny’s Creation have decided to divide and conquer to pursue our many new ideas.

I will be leading a team including Big Guy (aka the big white rabbit), Rufus (aka the big white rabbit before Big Guy came) and a few other smaller Stuffed Rabbits to create our next video. We have already drawn the story boards and we will start filming soon!

Orlando Bear and the twin white rabbits, Chubby Hugs and Super Chubby Dan will lead a second team in making sure our weekly comic, It Must Be A Tuesday are drawn and posted.
(Yes, we have one Teddy Bear in our Stuffed Rabbit group – we’re really not sure why he’s here, probably some identity crisis thing, but he’s got some great rabbit ideas and he likes carrots, so we let him stay).

Be sure to check out a new comic strip of It Must Be A Tuesday tomorrow!
Zackary =:X