Feb 092013

So for once, the weather forecasters were right. It started snowing this fine mist-like snow all night, then ALL DAY!

Here are some photos from the day WHILE it was still snowing:

So we opened the side door and the door had to push some snow away.

I should probably mention that there are TWO STEPS just outside to get to the door!!

It usually looks like this:



First we needed to get the snow off all the cars before we could start shoveling it. Doc offered to go and start the car to help warm it up!

Rufus started by trying to get the snow off the windshield:

Rufus clearing snow from car..

Notice how the fine mist of snow is STILL falling!!

Of course I had to help him:

getting snow off car..

Then we had to shovel the snow on the steps to the door:

trying to shovel the snow on the steps..

look how deep the snow on the steps are!!

Look at how much snow!!

Lookie how much snow!!

We let ITGuy do the rest with the snowblower.. but even poor snowblower sounded a bit wheezy!

And bonus! Here’s a few vids of Mia running around in the snow looking for her ball:

If that doesn’t work, please click here: http://moby.to/w0e9ou

If the video doesn’t work, please click here: http://moby.to/ynjit1


Here’s some pics of the snow after it finally stopped falling the following morning in the morning sun:

pretty glistening morning snow

That’s not dust on the window, that’s the snow being blown around by the wind. It looks like pixie dust!! how pretty!!

pretty snow pixie dust!

Jan 242013

It’s been VERY cold this last little while. We got a fresh new blanket of snow!!

Since Doc is new to “winter”, we thought we’d take him out and make a snowbunny or snowbear together.

Unfortunately, the snow was the not the right type of snow. It was the fluffy kind, not the packing-snow kind 🙁

playing in the snow

But Doc did get to try a little snowboarding:

BearDoctor snowboarding

Rufus said he felt like someone was watching us.

Rufus in the snow

is someone there??

I think we’ll be safe up here!!

I think we're safe up here..

We built a rough snow fort for protection..


Rufus: *whispering* so uh.. what do we do? do we throw snow at it???


And then the “thing” came over and said “HI! I’m George! The Abominable Snowman!”

Hi! I'm George, the Abominable Snowman!

He is very friendly, and just wanted to play in the snow with us. But it was getting very cold, and the snow was blowing everywhere.

Doc said he was too cold and we should all go in.

Doc: time to go in! I'm cold!!

And so we all went in and had hot cocoa with marshmallows while sitting on the heat vents to dry out!!

Jan 032013

SO! *claps paws together* WHICH gifts are ours??!!!

which ones can we open?

Rufus: OH, are these for me?

Rufus: which ones are mine??


Everyone got one? Let the Great Gift-Unwrapping begin!!

..and start opening!!


Zackary: Sweeeet!! Dark Knight Rises! AND a Bane action figure!!

Wow Cool!! Dark Knight Rises!

Big Guy got lots of movies and shows! His favourite!!

Avengers and Eureka! WOO!

Rufus got sandals and bunny slippers!! He’s named them “Peaches” and “Cream”. Rufus: “peaches is the outgoing one. cream is very shy! tee hee!”

BUNNY slippers!!

Thank you, Santa! We are so thankful and lucky to get such great gifts!